What does it mean to be healthy?
There’s physical, emotional, mental health and spiritual health. Healthy traits, healthy communication, healthy boundaries, healthy relationships…I’m sure you can think of several others. For each of us, being healthy will look different.
Spiritual Health
For most of my life, I’ve enjoyed physical exercise. Being active, outside, alone, or with friends makes me feel good. Then, several years ago, I was listening to a podcast where a woman shared, that she was trying to add more time reading the Bible or praying into her day. As she looked at her day, she realized she spent a lot of time in front of the mirror and decided for every minute in front of the mirror, she’d spend a minute pursuing a relationship with Christ. Her story made an impact on me, and I, in turn, looked at my day and decided that for every minute of exercising, I’d spend a minute reading the Bible, studying the Bible, or praying.
At the end of the day, when I crawled into bed, I started reading my Bible. However, I found that I was often tired and only lasted 5-10 minutes before starting to nod off. Knowing God gives me His best, I transitioned to the beginning of the day to give Him my best. When I woke up, I started reading, 5-10 minutes grew to 20, then 30. Sometimes I was so engrossed it was hard to stop and move onto the rest of the day.
As the habit grew, I discovered I became a better version of myself. The things I read about, learned, and reflected on stayed with me throughout the day. I drew closer to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I prayed throughout the day, asking for guidance. And started listening to the sound of His voice.
But life grew busier, and a few years ago, I grew sporadic in staying true to this time. Sometimes I stay up too late; other times, it feels like it’s going to be a busy day, and I need to hit the ground running. But when I try to do life on my strength, I run out of energy, say the wrong thing, and feel “off.”
So as the New Year begins, it’s important to me to go to bed on time, so I can wake up on time and have that time with God, in His Word, and reflect throughout the day.
Healthy Eating
I’ve had a sweet tooth my whole life. In high school, I had something sweet for breakfast, a Coke and candy bar for lunch, and ice cream before tennis practice. Not healthy at all! Thankfully as we’ve gotten older, my sister has pursued healthy eating, shared what she learned, and invited me to join her on the journey. I’ve moved from hamburgers, fries, and shakes to spinach salads.
I’ve given up sweets, but then let them back in. Recently I remembered when I spent time posting about the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, it motivated me to eat more of them. So yesterday, I started following several people on Instagram who post about healthy lifestyles. And while doing chores, I’ve started listening to podcasts focused on health or sermons. The reinforcement from the healthy posts and podcasts helps me not to slip.
Healthy Relationships
I write a lot about healthy and unhealthy relationships. I’m not perfect, and I know I have room to grow and improve. Recently on a podcast by Lisa Terkeurst, they shared a statement that we should always be growing. So true!
As I’ve taken a look at myself, I know one of the ways I’d like to improve this year is in conversations. I get excited about things and can be impulsive in conversations, which leads to interrupting others. It’s an urge that is hard to control but is important so I can show consideration to others. Now that I’m aware of it, I can try. James 1:19 can be my guide: My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…
Being healthy is a pursuit. Often it doesn’t come naturally or easily. But there are many ways to learn and grow. Being healthy can bring contentment, peace, and joy.
Wishing you happiness, health and well-being!