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pie club

The Positively Influencing Everyone (PIE) Club focuses on character education in a school setting.  Volunteer leaders meet with a small group of students who have been selected by their teachers as influencers among their peers.  Through brief lessons, discussion and video clips, the group explores positive character traits such as self-respect and respect for others, doing the right thing, being an upstander, honesty, gratefulness and more. P.I.E. Club members then have the opportunity to live out what they've learned through school and community service projects.

the need

Youth and teens are susceptible to a number of risky and detrimental behaviors including drinking, drugs, unhealthy relationships and depression.

The 2015 Center for Disease Control national survey of 9th-12th graders found 41% are sexually active, 38% have used marijuana and 29% suffered from depression in the last year

Youth that learn about positive character traits are less likely to succumb to risky behaviors and are more likely to have healthy relationships as teens and adults.

Youth that volunteer have higher self-esteem, earn higher grades, lower drop-out rates and are less likely to engage in risky behavior.

our Impact

Christmas Food Assistance

Students helping families

After learning about the scope of hunger in their school district – including the fact that during extended school breaks (Thanksgiving, Christmas break, spring break, summer) many families can't afford to buy groceries for meals, the PIE group at Clemens High School determined to provide 385 local families with food packages for Christmas break.

The students were awarded a $9,230 grant from the Spur's Team Up Challenge program to cover the cost of fresh vegetables, fruit and meat. Their dedication to positively impacting others will allow them to provide 385 families with $23/family in fresh fruit, vegetables and meat plus non-perishable items from a school food drive.  God is Good!

Random Acts of Kindness

Spreading Kindness in the School

Each year P.I.E. Clubs conduct a Random Acts of Kindness week in their schools. Students in PIE secretly leave notes with positive statements on desks in classrooms before school starts, they write and give notes of appreciation to teachers, custodians and administrators; they've even left a new package of hair ties in the girl's locker room for those that need one. 

The first year another teacher wrote a positive note in erase marker on the full length mirror in the teacher's restroom. The teacher that wrote the message told the PIE sponsor she was trying to be more PIE. Other teachers added positive comments under the first.

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Be a mentor

Per the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey conducted by the CDC every two years, youth that learn about positive character traits are less likely to succumb to risky behaviors and are more likely to have healthy relationships as teens and adults.  At PIC we believe that an adult role model, meeting with students weekly to teach and model positive character traits, can positively impact the community in immeasurable ways.


  When volunteers like you take time to teach students the

character traits needed for a healthy society, everyone wins.

time commitment

You'll spend up to 4 hours a week.  This breaks down to about 1 hour in prep and 1 - 3 hours mentoring students.


We are currently focused in the SCUCISD and match volunteers to a school requesting a program, based on skills, preferences, and availability.

training & resources

PIC provides volunteers with an introductory briefing on the program as well as instructional materials.


All volunteers must complete a volunteer application, 

background check, and interview with PIC leadership to establish the best placement.

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Healthy Relationships are a Team Effort

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San Antonio, TX

@2016 Positively Impacting Communities.

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