Youth and teens are susceptible to a number of risky and detrimental behaviors.
The Center for Disease Control 2015 national study of 9th - 12th graders in public and private schools found:
63.2% have had at least one drink of alcohol
41.2% have been sexually active
32.3% have tried cigarette smoking
38.6% have used marijuana
29% suffered from depression in the last year
12% have an eating disorder
8.6% have attempted suicide one or more times in the 12 months prior to the survey.
By engaging youth in protective activities they will have the tools to steer away from risky behaviors.
Youth that learn about positive character traits as early as 4th grade; are less likely to succumb to risky behaviors and are more likely to have healthy relationships as teens and adults.
Youth that volunteer have higher self-esteem, earn higher grades, lower drop-out rates and are less likely to engage in risky behavior.
One of the primary Protective Factors for teens is to be involved in their community
Positively Impacting Communities Goals are to:
Provide opportunities to engage teens in helping others
Teach and/or reinforce positive character traits
Receive support from adults in the community,
Increase positive peer to peer interactions in their communities
to provide protective tools, foster a positive atmosphere, enhance the learning environment, and provide pathways for teens to uplift and encourage their peers and other youth; positively impact their community and those around them while proactively steering youth away from risky behaviors.
[i] Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, United States 2015 Conducted throughout the US in the spring semester every two years